2 Pizza Marketing

Distributing Content & Enjoying It with Justin Simon (Distribution First)

2 Pizza Marketers Season 4 Episode 7

The best type of episode: a *first* conversation between host Melissa Moody and her guest, Justin Simon.  You know him as a champion of content repurposing and distribution and can tune in to this episode to hear more about: 

  • Justin's jump from big company (TechSmith) to a 2 Pizza Marketing team at Metadata
  • How to understand content repurposing at a MACRO and MICRO level
  • Justin's Distribution First community - focused on people working together and driving value for the distribution-first marketers who take part
  • How sometimes, it pays to lean into the idea of 'less is more'
  • The benefits of fractional or consultant marketing, as well as the importance of internal marketing
  • And... the very best takeaway is at the end of the episode #nospoilers

Shout-outs to:

Learn more about Nut Tree: https://nuttr.ee/

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